Charlywalker's Blog

{March 20, 2011}   The Tail Wagging the Blog

Fasten your keyboards….. it’s going to be a bumpy blog.  I love flying…in an airplane. I love being 35 thousand feet up in the air and staring down at the back sides of cloud formations. I love the feel of the jet engines revving as the plane bolts down the runway for take off.  I love the ascent at a 45 degree angle where my belongings escape their captivity from under the seat in front of me. I await the clatter of the landing gear as the axle stretches to secure the bald Michelin’s into their hiding place. I love when the “OK” light goes off so I can plug my earphones into the armrest and settle in to their 90’s Muzak system. But my favorite airline attribute is having my  very own video screen located on the seat in front of me to view the latest Blue Ray release…..uninterrupted…….except by the captain…..every 15 minutes…to give us an aerial tour guide of the earth below.

I don’t want to hear how the Rockies are “lovely this time of year covered in snow and temperatures below zero,” spoken to me with a voice that keeps clearing his throat of last nights frivolity with the crew.  I want to land my eyes and ears on Brad Pitt in his  tight WWII uniform spewing mean words from his bleached teeth and not some Inglorious Basterd breaking in on a scratchy Boeing 757 microphone to update me on demographics of geographics. 

NOR do I want to be disturbed by the swishing and hustle of a flight attendant who doesn’t fit down the aisle holding a giant GLAD bag to retrieve garbage.( They really need a scheduled pick -up time).

Nor, do I want the constant undecided passenger in front of me whose seat houses my screen, to continually hold an argument with the recline button. You will not win.   And if one more two year old stands up in their seat and hurls their sippy cup over the head rest for me to pick up…well…I’ll start throwing my miniatures back at them.  Just see how they would like it if my Vodka splatters on their face and their adorable overalls…  By Gosh….. Just try to explain that one to the grandparents when you land……

Oh, long are the days when Airline flights were a luxury  and you could un-flex those tired legs and extend them past a 90 degree angle. Oh, those good times of not fighting over the arm rest and ending up in an elbow altercation over some space. Which is now an added fair to your ticket along with luggage fees.   “Please stow your arms at your sides and sit on your hands until the captain has turned off the No Elbow Room sign”.

I miss those days of taking a stroll about the cabin during your flight and possibly stopping by to chat with fellow travelers and sharing a Bloody Mary or two, but now the aisle only accommodates the passing of one thigh and it better not be attached to Fat Albert.  And, God forbid, you should need to get up and use the latrines during the food service. That happened to me once and I waited in the rear of the plane until the entire 280 passengers were served. Then,  after the food conga line had cleared, I noticed the flight attendant was wearing her yellow life jacket and holding up a stop sign to ensure that traffic flowed in the right direction.

Oh, and let’s touch base with the cuisine featuring a pretzel bag no larger than Barbies Evening in Paris Purse or the  over priced mystery meal sealed in a plain white box that was probably processed via irradiation on the catering truck.  And you wondered why the salami was so shiny………Once I found four grapes running loose under the cellophane wrapped cheese and crackers that had escaped from the vine and the flight attendant  confiscated my box from me claiming “I received a First Class Meal by mistake…..”.  How  did they know?     ohhhh They heard it through the grapevine…

Once upon a time , many many many years ago, there was a lovely East Coast Airline that had jumbo jets that served a three course meal in first class featuring  a roast that was carved right before your eyes and all the fine wine and champagne you could endure on a flight from Puerto Rico to New York City. A service that started with a fresh Caesar Salad and ended with a chocolate torte. The entire meal was displayed on real china plates with silver utensils that had serrated  knives to slice the succulent roast, and a glass filled with a fine Bordeaux that you held by the stem, and a pristine white cloth napkin draped across your belted lap to catch any crumbs that fell from a turbulent fork.

All of this fancy food rolled by on several carts ushered by Stewardess with manicured hands and were required to pass a weight standard. And if you were in coach you were served a fully heated meal on a tray with an offering of two Entree’s to choose from. There were passenger lounges in the front and aft of the plane equipped with couches and end tables with reading lamps adhered onto the top where passengers could sit and mingle and enjoy the bar cart. There were closets aboard to house your garment bags so your Brooks Brother’s was protected and assured a wrinkle free trip. There were toys for tots stowed in a cardboard trunk to keep the little ones busy.

The flight was all about fun and keeping the passengers happy and safe until a Big Bad Merger came along and ate the little airline and ripped apart the galley’s and lounges that occupied vital space needed to be utilized for more passenger seats in order to stretch and cram people in tighter that a pair of spandex pants covering Oprah’s ass. Leaving souls to never again recline comfortably or to be free to walk about the cabin without hazard lights flashing or Nazi Cabin Crews dictating who gets to keep their carry on luggage on board and who gets to fight the crowd in baggage claim.


This is your Blogger speaking…. and thank you for flying

dearrosie says:

Came here from Bronx Boy’s Stylishly Versatile and thoroughly enjoyed your wordplay.
We just flew to South Africa – 19 hours squashed in those cramped seats in the back of the plane eating that “mush” they serve at mealtimes. oh lord.

I experienced days when people on a plane were uncomfortable that a woman was actually traveling on business and simply wanted the same service as a man.

Ya know…I don’t think they even realized their subtle discriminatory gestures. Okay, maybe some did.

Great post. Many thanks.

[…] observations. I keep telling her these posts could be performed on stage, but she won’t listen. […]

Sista, you nailed this one. I actually remember the days of premier service on airplanes as well and God, how I dread it nowadays!

Oh..come on now…you’re not that old!!

Thank you for flying..

spread the humor

No star wars toys in your life AND you like flying?

Could any two bloggers be more different?

Let’s see… the death row march down the runway and into my seat… the sure-to-explode-at-any-second engines whining (that is, if the wing doesn’t sheer off first)… the 100,000 pounds of highly flamable fuel under my butt… the probably drunken, suicidal pilot… the turbulence that just falls a few rattles short of tearing the whole craft apart… the imprisonment in chairs that are banned by the geneva convention for being too small… the cruel starvation… the hurling toward the landing in a near death dive… the waiting forever to deplane…

yeah, flying is a ball.

Unless you get bumped up to business class. Then everything is roses and sunshine.

See what cramped spaces do to me?

I own a Darth Vader Bank and I was a Flight Attendant. Dichotomy..the spice of life!

Thanks for flying and we really move our BLOG for you… spread the humor.

I see. Banks are OK but action figures not. That’s fine.

I’d like flying a lot more if I were allowed into the cockpit. I want to see what’s happening. Of course, the other 200+ passengers might like it less knowing some random dude is hanging out up there.

Best airline I’ve flown, hands down: Asiana

It’s an action figure bank……

I still own a key to some of the cockpits…I guess I forgot to return it when I quit the airlines….however, it’s very rusty and I think there might still be a DC-9 still hovering about somewhere….

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